303-868-4207 | 10255 E. 25th Ave Suite 5 Aurora, CO 80010 hello@kindred-counseling.com

Workshops & Speaking

Not every parenting approach will fit every family’s needs. That’s why I offer several different options for parents, schools, and corporations.

Speaking at Schools

As a former teacher, school counselor, and college counselor, education is in my DNA. I understand how mindset, emotional intelligence, motivation, and parenting practices can intersect to impact the success and education of each student. I have had the opportunity to speak to both parents and educators at PTAs, Montessori schools, and private preschools throughout Denver.

My approach is unique in that I am able to draw from multiple educational settings while drawing from my training in multiple parenting practices, as well as my extensive training in trauma-informed care.

My workshops are thought-provoking, informative, and interactive. My goal is that everyone walks away with tools, scripts, and inspiration that will lead to immediate change.

Corporate Clients

As much as we’d all like to believe we can completely compartmentalize our lives, no human is perfect at it. If an employee is struggling in their personal life with the people they love most, their productivity, effectiveness, and motivation at work are likely to suffer.

That’s why I offer workshops to support employees in the areas that matter most in their lives:

  • parenting
  • relationships
  • communication
  • using vulnerability as a shortcut to connection

By supporting your employees in these areas, you’re also boosting your own company culture and productivity as the skills transfer to the office.

Workshops & Classes for Parents

Workshops and classes for parents are offered quarterly and are generally held at my office, a local library, or in a host’s home. Many parents choose to host a workshop in their home and invite their friends to join. If interested, contact me to reserve a date.

Brené Brown's Daring Way™

The Daring Way™ is a highly experiential, intensive training based on the life-changing research of Dr. Brené Brown, who is a leading researcher in the forces that impact our lives the most: resilience, vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame.

The Daring Greatly™ & Rising Strong™ programs are designed to support men, women, and young people to learn how to show up, be seen, and live braver lives by developing shame resilience skills and daily practices that transform the way we live, love, parent, and lead. Find out more here.

Love & Logic® Parenting Classes

Love & Logic® is a research-backed parenting program that teaches parents of children ages 18 months to 18 years how to:

  • Stay calm when kids misbehave
  • Gain cooperation the first time
  • Deliver effective consequences

Learn more about Love & Logic® here.

Gottman Emotion Coaching

Drawing from world-renowned research on relationships at Seattle’s The Gottman Institute, this program provides current science-based knowledge that will teach you the essential parenting skills for helping toddlers through teens navigate their complex emotional world. Easy to learn and implement, emotion coaching supports kids in ways that build genuine self-confidence and helps them grow socially, emotionally, and intellectually.

You can learn more about Gottman Emotion Coaching here.

Raising Highly Capable Kids Workshop

Raising Highly Capable Kids is a 13-week curriculum that is based on the Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets. Search Institute has undertaken decades of research with more than 5 million children and found that there are 40 building blocks every child needs to grow and mature. And the more of these Assets a child has in her life, the more likely she is to engage in healthy behaviors while veering away from those that are unhealthy.

This program was created to help build stronger families by giving parents/guardians the confidence, tools, and skills to raise healthy, caring, and responsible children.

Connected Parenting Workshop

Connected Parenting is a research-based class that uses concepts from Love & Logic®, The Gottman Institute, and Attachment Theory.

You’ll learn:

  • the tools you need to connect with your child on an emotional level
  • how to create boundaries for your children in a loving way
  • the basics of attachment
  • how emotions are central to our connection with our children
  • how to decrease chaos, conflict, and contempt in your relationship with your children
Setting Limits with Technology Workshop

In this workshop, parents will learn:

  • The effects of screen time on children
  • What they need to know in order to raise responsible and empathetic kids in the digital age
  • How to effectively set limits on screen time
Postpartum Wellness Workshop

Postpartum Depression is the most common complication of childbirth and can affect any mom who gives birth up to 1 year after birth.

This class will teach you everything that you need to know about postpartum mood and anxiety disorders, risk factors, early warning signs, treatment options, and strategies to reduce your risk. You’ll walk away with tools for wellness and a postpartum support plan.

Whether you are pregnant or have already had your baby, come learn how to create the most emotionally healthy postpartum experience possible.

Creating Healthy Families: Putting Your Relationships First Workshop

A prerequisite for any intervention in your family—whether it’s a discipline intervention for your kids or a relational intervention for your marriage—is a strong, healthy, and intentional relationship.

Through the research of Drs. John & Julie Gottman, we will explore the Gottman Sound Relationship House to learn how to use connection, courageous conversations, and empathy to restore the relationships in your home.

In the Creating Healthy Families: Putting Your Relationships First Workshop, you’ll learn:

  • simple steps that are scientifically proven to strengthen relationships
  • what’s getting in the way of your ability to connect as a family
  • how to build relationships that last
Partners in Parenting Workshop

Learn why taking care of your marriage is critical to your child’s development! Based on the research of Drs. John & Julie Gottman, this hands-on workshop will help participants learn the secrets to increasing relationship satisfaction and parenting as a team.

Fostering A Growth Mindset Through Empathy, Encouragement & Resilience

Having a growth mindset is holding the belief that traits can be developed and improved. We will discuss the importance of empathy and how we can help our children persist in the face of obstacles, see failure as an opportunity to learn and enjoy the process because they are not solely focused on the outcome.

Interested in more than one approach? Check out Parenting Strategy Sessions, where we can customize our work to meet your specific needs.

Becoming Us Workshop

Once you read that positive pregnancy test, you have nine months to “get ready” for baby.  For many, the majority of your preparation revolves around your home:  getting the nursery ready, registering for all the baby gear, and baby proofing your home.  What many don’t realize, is that pouring our time and energy into getting our relationship ready is equally (if not more) important. 

Having a baby can be one of the most joyous moments in your life, while also being one of the most challenging both personally and for your relationship.  92% of parents report increased conflict and 67% decreased relationship satisfaction in the first few years of parenthood.  In fact, many studies have shown that marriages suffer after baby arrives. “Comparing couples with and without children, researchers found that the rate of the decline in relationship satisfaction is nearly twice as steep for couples who have children than for childless couples. In the event that a pregnancy is unplanned, the parents experience even greater negative impacts on their relationship.” (check out the article here)

Why is it so important to focus on your relationship when you’re about to have a baby you ask? Lots of reasons:  you’ll need that sounding board to remind you who you are individually, as a couple, and as a family when you’re all starting to get stressed with the demands of raising a child.  Also, when you’re low on sleep, your ability to remain cool, calm, and collected goes out the window, so you’ll want a strong (read: forgiving) relationship to nurture this time.  And lastly, any decrease in marital satisfaction actually effects our overall happiness “because the biggest predictor of overall life satisfaction is one’s satisfaction with their spouse” (check out the article here).

At first glance, this can all seem a little depressing. But the good news is, becoming parents together is actually a time that is ripe for bonding and deepening of  our awareness of each other. 

My workshop, “Becoming Us” will give you the roadmap to help you stay connected as a couple as you navigate your parenting journey. You will learn about communication, bonding, attachment, and more to set you up for success during the most joyous moments of your lives.

Growing closer together as parents is my goal for you—this workshop will help you and your partner learn skills to help you through the stresses of parenting. 

Both private and community workshops available.

Raising Children to Be Successful Adults Workshop

What if I told you there were five specific skills that can predict a child’s future success in life? From the groundbreaking work on Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman identified five characteristics that predict a person’s eventual success in life (even more than general intelligence or IQ).

The Raising Children to be Successful Adults workshop will explore these crucial characteristics and how parents and teachers can foster them in children.

We’ll explore:

  • self-awareness
  • mood management
  • motivation
  • empathy
  • social skills

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