303-868-4207 | 12011 Dallas St Aurora, CO 80010 hello@kindred-counseling.com

Fall 2023 Rising Strong Groups

I’m so excited to announce two options to learn the Rising Strong curriculum: Not sure what the group or intensive is all about?  In short, the goal of the Rising Strong Intensive is to rise from our falls, overcome our mistakes, and face hurt in a way that...
Giving Back

Giving Back

A portion of every session fee is donated to mental health organizations that are focused on helping those from under-served communities: Who We Donate To – POST The Second Wind Fund The mission of second wind fund is to decrease the incidence of suicide in...
Rising Strong

Rising Strong

The Hope We Need As we anticipate a change in our country’s political climate today, we’re reminded of just how much power there is in hope, courage, and vulnerability to help us rise out of the heartbreak and trauma our nation has been through.   No...