303-868-4207 | 10255 E. 25th Ave Suite 5 Aurora, CO 80010 hello@kindred-counseling.com


This is How You Create a Revolution

This is How You Create a Revolution

What would it be like if you could view your struggles with curiosity instead of hurt, criticism, and judgment? How would your relationship with yourself and others be different if you could discover how your perceptions and reactions to difficulties impact your...

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Using Shame Resilience To Get Unstuck

Using Shame Resilience To Get Unstuck

Last week I sent out a new blog post about the power of groups to 500+ people with a distracting formatting error so that every time I dutifully included the trademark symbol after Daring Greatly™ and Rising Strong™, it showed up like this: instead of like this: ™   ...

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The Power of Groups

The Power of Groups

I’ve had many people express interest in my Rising Strong™ and Daring Greatly™ groups … but I’m getting two common questions that need to be addressed: Question:  Could I go through the workshop on an individual basis?   The Short Answer:  Yes, I provide similar...

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